NTLK Inkspot and Paperboy

From: Sam Powell (sam.powell@cwcom.net)
Date: Tue Jan 18 2000 - 18:36:00 EST

Whilst examining prospective newSgroups I found both Inkspot and Paperboy.
They cre both missing 2 important features.
1) Multiple news servers (just two would do)
2) Threading properly, they only thread one level deep, So when people
dont quote I dont know what they are Talking about
On the other hand, Paperboy, which 1 prefer has a 30 day limit which
dosn't seem to be running out.
Any suggestions?

ICQ: 10061444
e-mail: sam.powell@cwcom.net
web: come.to/thepicarchive

Sent from my Apple Newton 2k, with Eudora Pro

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