Sam Shire wrote:
> Hi, new to the Newton, got it working after a bit of hassle, it went into
> hibernation for 2 years, in storage
> Anyway
> Newt works ??
> What is this ???
> And if its what I think it is (like claris works) where can I get it from ??
That's it, it's a kind of ClarisWorks. It only works with Newton running the NOS
2.1 (e.g. MP2000, MP2100 and eMate 300). If you don't have one of those models,
I'm sorry to tell you you won't be able to use it. For 2.0 devices, there is
AvailWorks from Pelicanware at <>. I've never used
the product myself, so can't comment on its usefullness.
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
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