>notes: "Lextionary for the Newton has been discontinued.=A0 It is still
>Copyright (C) 1997 by Hayes C. Haugen.=A0 You are allowed to use Lextionary
>free of charge, that is all
Lextionary is my favourite piece of software. Had I known it before its
freeware had been announced on this list some months ago, I'd probably have
it at once. It runs fine on my MP130 (having a 4 MB card of its own), and it
always impresses the other students in my english course no end if the very
I'm taking notes with even explains vocabulary. Especially considering the
fact that
they need 10 times more to find out some of the words Lextionary knows
aren't even
listed in in their large, expensive and heavy paper dictionaries ;-))
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