Christopher Browne schrieb:
>I have had problems syncing my 2100 to my Mac (despite huge memory
>overhead) and understand that my use of MoreInfo may be the problem.
I don't believe so. MI adds new slots and/or frames into the names soup
and thus freezing will probably not really help. You then freeze only
the application and the entries are still there in names and wherever
else. I traced the problem down to corrupted entries in names. If you
have a lot of names try first to locate the corrupted one by means of
export and read the ilog.err file. It might be useful too to scroll
through every name and look for crazy things, like wrong chars or three
dots at the end of an entry. Also printing out of all names cards in
phone list format might be useful and you would then have a hard copy,
including e.g. MI's PowerLinks.
--Regards / Viele Gruesse
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