NTLK Re:off a speeding car

From: ThisOlNewt@aol.com
Date: Sat Jan 22 2000 - 09:01:39 EST

In a message dated 1/21/00 9:51:25 PM, PResines@terza.com writes:

>As some may remember, since taking a dive off a speeding car in October,
>MP2K has had a sporadic problem with spontaneously turning off and not
>coming back on.

I am so glad I am not the only person who had this problem. But mine was lost
and someone found it. But I suggest that you all have your newtons' password
protect on. I am sure it helped the folks who found mine be honest and they
called me a week later (because my phone number was listed on that welcome
screen.) Also I think that the Apple branded nylon case for 21xx and keyboard
which is well padded helped save my newton. I got my case from Oz last fall.
It is great. Holds all the stuff and has a place to tilt the newton etc...
and I can say it is well padded.

Moral of the story.
1. have your phone number listed in your owner info card.
2. password protect the machine.
3. get one of these cases...as that cornflake tiger says .." theeeeerrrrrrrr
4. Dont put the Newton on the roof of your car...EVER (or your favorite
travel coffee mug either. I have had so may favorite coffee mugs.)(and my
wife always reminds me not to put the baby on the roof either)(and make sure
you put the gas cap back on after filling up, dont leave it on the roof
either)(BTW I havent lost the baby YET)(the wife just mumbled something about
the movies from Blockbuster...I dont know what the heck she is talking

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