I was wondering if there's such intepreter for Sierra games and did a little
bit of searching and voilá I found Sarien http://mega-tokyo.com/sarien/
which is such a beast. It's written in C and ported to DOS, Win32, Linux,
unix. If this would be ported we'd get all those 3d-graphics adventure games
we bought the pc for.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Mangin" <newton@Option8.Com>
To: "Newtontalk" <newtontalk@planetnewton.com>
Cc: <mf090@cvip.fresno.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2000 12:07 AM
Subject: YAZI (was Re:NTLK Text mode Quake on newt)
YAZI (was Re:NTLK Text mode Quake on newt)
Speaking of Zork, check out planet newton's download page at:
the developers of yazi <yet another z interpreter>, scrawl software, haven't
updated it in a while, but info for it can be found at
if you can't tell, i'm a big fan of the old infocom games, especially if i
can play them on my newt.
if you have older games with data files that are separate from the
interpreter - namely if you have one of the 'treasures of infocom'
packages - you can even stuffvthe data into a .pkg file for reading with
i dig it :)
Charles 'Option 8' Mangin-
Sent Via Newton MessagePad 2000
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