On Mon, Jan 24, 2000 6:09 AM, NewtonTalk
<mailto:newtontalk@planetnewton.com> wrote:
> Jon:
> I downloaded QuickPort to give it a try, as NCU doesn't seem to work
> well with exporting Notes (and I can't find Claris Organizer to export
> them to on my Mac). However, I am confused. The instructions ask me to
> "configure my emulation program" on the Mac. I have ClarisWorks, as you
> said you did. How do I "configure my emulation program" to get
> QuickPort to export Notes from my MP130 to my Mac?
You had to ask. :-)
In Claris Works, open a communications module. In the "Settings" menu,
choose the first option, "Connection..." (You _do_ have the Apple Modem
Tool installed, don't you?) Choose from the pop-up menu "Serial". You will
see various other pop-up menus titled something like "Baud Rate", "Parity",
"Data Bits", "Stop Bits" and "Parity"
Set the various to what Quickport tells you, 9600,no parity, 8 data bits, 1
stop bit, and lastly not parity. Choose your serial port, and close the
dialog box. Now, you can go to the "Session" Menu, and choose, "Open
Connection...". Once it's open, just send the file, and you should get it.
If you get two of each character, go to the "Terminal Settings" in the
"Setup" menu, and turn off local echo. If you don't see anything, then turn
it on. I have it off, which should be right. Any other problems, just email
me privately, and we'll get you going. Could I send you a communications
file with the proper settings if you can't get it working? That might help.
-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
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