On 1/23/2000 1:38 PM, MichStocker@cs.com [mailto:MichStocker@cs.com]
>I've just subscribed to CompuServe 2000 and I'm trying to how to access my
>e-mail using my MP130.
>So far, I've not been able to find any resources.
I don't know if it'd be compatible any longer, but CompuServe used to
give away software for the Newton (OS 2.x I think) to let you pick
up/send your mail. I still have it installed I think. If you can't find
it on CompuServe, I think I still have what I installed it from; let me
know. I don't use CompuServe anymore, though, so I can't tell you where
on CIS to go get it.
Not sure the protocols are still compatible, though. Maybe with
"classic" instead of "2000" CompuServe
>Any suggestions?
>Will software used to access AOL work (owns CompuServe)?
I doubt it very much. AOL is not CompuServe. Totally dissimilar
systems. AOL just BOUGHT CIS, they didn't change the software it uses
(CIS has been around about twice as long as AOL, maybe longer.)
- Bill
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