On 1/25/2000 2:53 PM, mmidgley@my-Deja.com [mailto:mmidgley@my-Deja.com]
>myq wrote:
>> Anyone know of a way to get rid of it (the password
>Bill wrote:
>> Write to Pelicanware...and ask 'em if it can be done.
>Kinda funny that we want secure, non-breakable password protection....but
>we want a way around it too. Paradox, I think.
I intensely dislike ways around passwords, but, actually, many companies
WILL offer a way around their password protection in hardware or
software....but only if you send the data or hardware to them, so they
can keep the method secret. Some may even require some way to be able to
PROVE the data is really yours before they send it back.
And of course, in many cases, there's simply NO way around it.
Especially if it involves encrypting the data too. Which is as it should
be, I think.
But it can't hurt to ask the company and the company should NOT tell the
user how; they should do it themselves...and I'd even advocate that they
charge for it, since they are providing you with a service they shouldn't
have to be doing. If you have to pay you probably won't forget the
password again....
It's also a good indication of how secure your data REALLY is ;-)
- Bill
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