Re: NTLK Connection...

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Thu Jan 27 2000 - 23:15:07 EST

On 1/27/2000 4:39 PM, [] wrote:

>Ok, maybe this is my problem...
>Can I use "LocalTalk" cables to connect my Newton to my G3 Desktop? I'm
>thinking no... Cuz I can't get it to work.

Is it a beige G3? Then the answer is YES.

If it's a blue-and-white G3...then no, because there is no serial port.

>By the way, which ethernet cards can be used in my MP130? That is, which
>have drivers been developed for...?

No Ethernet cards can be used with a 130. Ethernet on Newton requires a
2x00 or eMate model.

 - Bill

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