On 1/27/2000 4:17 PM, Chris Ruprecht [mailto:chrup@earthlink.net] wrote:
>I have more question(s). I have a Handspring Visor here and I
>installed the BackTalk Demo package and the other 3 packages on the
>Newton (MP2100) Now, I select "Beam" and I get "looking for receiver"
>... and it times out after a while.
>What do I tell the Visor (PalmOS III clone) to convince it, that it
>has to receive? I have to admit, I have no clue how these Palm
>thingies work, I gave up on them when I found out how what they call
>HWR works.
On the Visor (or Palm) tap the little "house" icon at the upper left side
of the Grafitti area. Or whatever icon is there on the Visor (palm
changed it recently from an arrow to a house, dunno for sure what the
visor uses) That's the equivalent of the Newton's Extras drawer.
When the extras drawer opens, find the "prefs" icon. If you can't find
it by scrolling, make sure the category (the equivalent of a folder in
the Newton) is set to "All". It's shown in the same place the Newton has
a folder tab - the upper right corner of the screen. Tap there and a
menu pops up. Pick "All".
When the Prefs app opens it takes over the whole screen (surprise,
surprise on a 160x160 screen). If the category in the upper right corner
doesn't now say "General" tap the category shown and pick "General" from
the list.
In the General prefs, at the bottom should be "Beam Receive". Set it to
Also, you probably know this...but just in case, please note that on the
visor, the IR port is on the SIDE, of all places (probably because the
springboard slot is on the and there wasn't room.)
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