Someone asked about Syncing a Newton to a PC again on NTLK so I'll re post
this. And again I'm always ready to help as so many have helped me in the
past, thanks NTLKers.
I use a Newton 120 2.0 and a PC. I have had good results using Lotus
Organizer 2.1 and NCU 1.0. The system works flawlessly except in the rare
case where I get a corrupt record in the Newton. NCU then tells me and I can
go and fix or delete the record. I also do full back ups with NCU and one
such saved me when a package I loaded that turned out to be for a 2x00
crashed my Newton big time. I also for a time kept a parallel sync to
Outlook '97 using LookOut. This also worked well but not as quickly as
NCU/Lotus Organizer. I use a PC serial cable that came with my Newton.
Anyone that has specific questions about syncing Newton => NCU => Lotus
Organizer, feel free to contact me at the address below or through NTLK.
Matt "Ducky" Howe
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