NTLK Japanese Newton MP130

From: Ricardo Araújo (rmaraujo@pel.conex.com.br)
Date: Sun Jan 30 2000 - 09:14:18 EST

Hello. I'm new at this list, and I'll start with a tough question.

It was gave to me as a gift a Newton MP130, but it was made for the
Japaneses. And it was badly made, because the 'ideograms' does not show
correctly. Where should appear the name of packages, and some menus, it only
appear some small white squares. Must I say it is terribly annoying to have
to guess the menus?

So my question is: how do I convert my Newton to english?

And another one: there's a package called UniFEP 2.0, that was bundled with
the Newton. What is this? I starting to think that it might be responsible
for the japanese-look. I just don't want to delete it and find that Newton
won't boot... :/

Thanks everyone!!


Ricardo Araujo

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