Sorry to hear you are unhappy with your phone.
I really like mine and are not ready to give up on it
just yet.
The interesting thing with the I888 is that it is a
"world phone". I travel a lot and this phone works in
the Us as well as Europe.
Secondly it has a built-in modem. I'm not sure if it's
going to work with my Newton. I need a cable to try
I have never seen one, but it should look like this:
In one end, the Ericsson phone plug and in the other
end a "Apple serial/modem 8-pin din-plug".
Have anyone seen such a cable?
The phone also has a "infrared eye", but it is uses
the IRDA protocol. I know the MP130 can't use it.
--- Tom Bessler <> wrote:
> I also have an Erickson cell phone. They've had
> terrible support for their
> phones and any modem other than the one that they
> have their name on. I
> bought their modem cable but it doesn't connect to a
> 3-Com modem. They sell
> the cables directly! Good Luck!
> No interest in the company, just a dissatisfied
> customer!
> Tom
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