Re: NTLK Anticipation

From: Marco Mailand (
Date: Mon Jan 31 2000 - 09:02:26 EST

Albatross schrieb:
> And forget about the "spousal justification training" I underwent.
> How about " Now I'll always remember our anniversary honey!" I can't
> recall any others at the moment. (It's almost sad really)
I like this expression very much! "spousal justification training".
However, I do sometimes a spousal justification trade approach. Thus I
got the MP2k and my wife a new pair of inline speed skating shoes (those
with 5 wheels). She's now faster in skating than I am, but I have the
Newton :-))

> "Any sufficiently advanced form of technology is indistinguishable
> from magic"
Even now does it make everyone stunning if I demonstrate the few simple
gadget programs on my Newton (HWR, MoviePlayer, GPSmap, MacinTalk and
all that audio recording stuff, VoiceNotes, dialling from names etc.)


Regards / Viele Gruesse

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