I'd just like to take this moment to say that I love using Newt's Cape.
Right now, I'm converting all of my prof's online lecture notes to
NewtonBooks so that I don't have to lug a mount of paper to class every
day - and so that I can study anywhere!
Also, I can't believe that two of the most important user-space Newton
developments have happened in the past week - Smart Dog Software's
BackTalk, and PNM Consulting's system patch. Maybe it's time to initiate
the third - a free cross-platform sync program!
-----Victor Rehorst - victor@eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca | victor@torque.net------
---Newton Resources: Ethernet, Newton Cage, NewtonTalk archive, and more!---
--------------- http://eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca/~victor/newton/ ---------------
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