NTLK 2 Newton Web Pages

From: Josh Burker (Josh_Burker@misd.wednet.edu)
Date: Thu Apr 27 2000 - 19:51:59 CDT

Hello all:

I thought I'd conducted a pretty thorough sweep of the web in search of
Newton web sites/pages but when researching a bit about my latest
obsession (the canceled Apple KidSim/Cocoa Internet Authoring for Kids
project) I came across two very interesting web pages in the bowels of
Apple's Learning Technology Review Archives.

The first, "Students with eMates Take to the Field: Learning Science by
Doing Science," by Ted Olsson, Ph.D, tracks a group of Bellingham, WA
students as they take their trusty, rugged eMates into the field with an
eProbe or two to conduct scientific experiments. There's an eProbe
floating around somewhere in my school district, and this page makes me
want to track it down and get it into a science room (we have 30 eMates at
the Middle School where I am the Technology Specialist).

The URL for this article is:


The second, "Newton Goes Sailing," is by Chris Burmester, and chronicles
the adventures of Steve Roberts, lab director and "instigator of many
practical experiments in 'no madic technology'" at Nomadic Research
Laboratories (NRL). It seems that Mr. Roberts and Mr. Burmester teamed up
to "author and design software to wirelessly control a sailboat and her
online systems" (!!!!). Soooo cool.

URL: http://www.apple.com/education/LTReview/fall97/spotlight/default.html

Get 'em while they're still there!



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