>Tell me, I have been having a problem with the screen on mine though.
>When I first turn it on the screen is very light and once i tap it, the
>screen is fine. Do I need to send it to apple for screen replacement and
>would they care that you did the upgrade ?
This is perfectly normal! It's actually a bug in the 717260 patch.
See this note, from the Read Me file:
--- Adjusting the contrast* You can now recenter the contrast slider by setting a different middle point. This allows you to refine the standard contrast range. For example, the factory preset contrast slider range goes from light gray to dark gray. You might want the contrast range to go from light gray to medium gray; to do this, you'd set the middle point slightly towards the lighter end of the slider.
To recenter the contrast slider, follow these steps: 1. Tap Extras to open the Extras Drawer. 2. Tap the contrast slider to move the diamond to the desired middle point. 3. Double tap the word "Contrast" below the slider. 4. When the message appears asking if you want to center the slider, tap Yes. The diamond on the slider returns to the middle. The middle point of the contrast slider is now at the desired contrast setting.
Note: After recentering, you may notice a lightening of the screen after lifting the stylus off the contrast slider. Tap the screen again or wait 30 seconds and the screen will adjust back to the desired setting. ---
So don't send it to Apple! :-)
Matt Garrison iluvmacs@macline.com iluvmacs@mac.com AOL IM Screen Name: iluvmacs Proud owner of 2 Apple Power Macintoshes and 2 Apple Newtons!
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