On Tue, 9 May 2000 Stephen Beesley wrote:
>I have noticed that when using Newt'sCape I seem to be losing quite a bit of free memory- up to 500K over the course of a number of internet sessions. Even after clearing the HTML & image Cache I still seem to be shy of some of the free space previously there. The only way I have been able to fix this problem to date has been to go through a backup, hard reset, restore cycle.
>Am I imagining things? Am I doing something wrong? Any ideas appreciated.
>Stephen Beesley
It seems to happen to me too but I was suspecting it was SimpleMail 4.0 b5. Now that I have the final version of SimpleMail which is without the Debug, I hope it would improve. :l only noticed this since I used 4.0. Never had the missing memory with Simple Mail 3.3 or Newts Cape. What made you think it was Newtscape and not SM?
I have a 32 MB card and over a period of 2 weeks, I can lose as much as1 MB ! Anyone else noticed this. The only way out was like you. An erase of my Card and a restore. Since I store ALL data on my Card, only the Card was affected.
Kenny Song
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