>Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 00:05 +0800
>From: "Kenny Song" <kensong@pc.jaring.my>
>To: "NewtonTalk" <newtontalk@planetnewton.com>
>Subject: Re: NTLK NuShield
>I for one would love the clarity too but I have one main reservation apart
>from reflection. Will it scratch too easily? the smooth surface of the Nu
>Shield's undersides scratches very easily, hence my question.
>Mark, any ideas?
>Kenny Song
The abrasion resistant topcoat on NuShields does not have to be as
stippled, as I understand it. The supplier has numerous options which,
as you can see above, I'm starting to explore. I may ask some of you to
try out some test samples to let me know if they work for you. In any
event, even if I find a substitute I have to go through much of my
remaining expensive stock before I'd commit another $800 or more to buy
another pallet of film.
Mark Ross
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