NTLK Got a question? Read the FAQ!

From: Victor Rehorst (chuma@chuma.org)
Date: Fri May 26 2000 - 05:00:01 CDT


Got a question about your Newton or just Newtons in general?

Have you read the Newton FAQ yet?

The Newton FAQ contains tons of the most frequently-asked information about
Newtons! Check it out *before* posting your question! Chances are there's
info about it in the FAQ.

Read it at these locations:


The FAQ is also posted monthly to comp.sys.newton.misc.

This is a weekly reminder to all to READ THE FAQ!

Posted by your friendly neighbourhood town crier.

------Victor Rehorst - victor@eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca | chuma@chuma.org-------
-Secretary, College of Arts and CPES Student Councils, University of Guelph-
---------------Homepage and Newton Stuff: http://www.chuma.org--------------
----"No one's interested in something you didn't do" -The Tragically Hip----
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