I also would like a copy and I will pay for it if it isnt a hoax
-Zac Cohen
In a message dated 5/26/00 12:35:45 AM, g4@tampabay.rr.com writes:
<< I would like a copy of this just for fun...also I am still curious
what the Business Mate prototype looked like.
At 10:56 AM -0500 04/20/2000, Steve Kramer wrote about Re: NTLK
MacOS for Newton:
> >> I did a check on this package...and
>>> found its creator to be Apple Computer!
>> Don't read too much into that ... it's just the default copyright message
>> that NTK uses unless you change it to something else. Mac OS for Newton
>> is definitely a hoax.
>Michael, this package could be the mythic Mac OS lite package that Apple
>was circulating back in 1998. If this is the one, I know for a fact that
>this is an Apple made package that Newton Inc/ Apple reps were showing to
>Newton Developers when Apple was posturing whether or not to "keep" the
>newton. Remember the Business Mate
>Steve Kramer
>Northwest of Us Newton Group
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Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 00:35:03 -0400
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Subject: Re: NTLK MacOS for Newton
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