Re: NTLK SuperNote Pad & MoreInfo question

From: Ray Kloss (
Date: Sun May 28 2000 - 20:51:45 CDT

on 5/28/00 6:58 PM, Lewis Rogers at wrote:

> Have been using SuperNote Pad from StandAlone and now use MoreInfo, do these
> packages work well together? Need MoreInfo's applications and would like
> another note application if these are not compatible.

As I remember, you can use one or the other. I, too, was impressed by both
and would love to use them together. I think that SNP modifies some soups,
so they don't work together. If it's been updated since I bought it (and it
sits on my disk) I'll use it. I had to stick with MI for some of it's
features I love.

Ray Kloss


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