Re: NTLK Package Tool/Info (was: Help Wanted, badly)

From: peter brigg (
Date: Tue May 30 2000 - 09:30:11 CDT


    Pkginfo turns out to be self-fixing on a re-boot (which I hadn't tried when I posted). Thanks for it. But of course it still does does not fix my main problem of seeing all the
packages, extensions in order to manage and delete. Do you know of a software that does this? Packtool from NewtonTools was perfect but i have lost it and the original (unusual, since
i am usually careful about such things).

Steve Weyer wrote:

> >Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 12:27:13 -0400
> >From: peter brigg <>
> >
> >I have lost the Package Tool from Newtools (a tale of woe) and now i can't
> >manage packages on my 2100. I tried pkginfo from Steve Weyer to
> >at least let me see packages not
> >appearing in Extras and it seems to have fouled up the Action menu in
> >Extras (gives a problem -48221 message). Could someone please diect me to
> >a package management tool i can
> >download?
> it's possible that some bugs in PkgInfo were fixed since 1.0d2 (current
> version available from my web page is 1.0g2) -- though if you have other
> packages installed that patch the action menu (incorrectly), that might
> cause a conflict like -48221.
> if you have Newt's Cape, you can try the pkginfo.htm example (it saves
> package info to Notes; also lets you rename a package)
> Steve
> NewtDevEnv, Newt's Cape, Sloup, Crypto,...
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