NTLK [PROGRAMMING] "Programming For The Newton" example code Message-ID: <3931EF86.E03B8F20@mac.com>

From: Perley B. C. Mears Jr. (perley.mears@east.sun.com)
Date: Tue May 30 2000 - 14:20:27 CDT


        I believe I have this book at home, and I think it still had the floppy
when I bought it. I will check tonight and send the files if I have them

     /\ Perley B. C. Mears Jr.
    \\ \ Systems Engineer
   \ \\ / Sun Microsystems Inc.
  / \/ / / 6 New England Executive Park
 / / \//\ Burlington, MA 01803-5018 USA
 \//\ / /
  / / /\ / E-Mail: perley.mears@east.sun.com
   / \\ \ Phone: 781.270-6358 )
    \ \\ (__ FAX: 781.270-7210 ((
     \/ &____) Mobile: 617.513.7838 C|~~|
           \__/ Internal: http://cocacola.east `--'
           ' ` `----'
           JINI Java

'Unless' - The Lorax

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