On Tue, 30 May 2000, J. van de Griek wrote:
> Peter Apockotos wrote:
> > Since the eMate, 2100 and possibly the 2000 have geoport
> > compatibility has anyone made a telephony application to take
> > advantage of this?
> No Newtons have GeoPort compatibility. The NewtonOS 2.1 Newtons (MP2x00 and
> eMate) have 9-pin serial ports, but they aren't GeoPorts. The extra pin is a
> 5V output.
You are correct about the 5v output.
Ever wonder what the extra pin is on the PowerMac (and Quadra AV) machines
with GeoPorts is?
Yup, you guessed it, a 5v output! :)
GeoPort refers to the capabilities of teh port in addition to its pinout.
GeoPorts on desktop macs are capable of 2Mbps and do DMA. The Newton
serial ports are specced at 2Mbps; don't know about the DMA.
I hope this clears up some of the confusion...
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