Re: NTLK Cadenza Errors

From: Rob Ireland (rireland@SkyBest.Com)
Date: Wed May 31 2000 - 23:19:01 CDT


My old friend Dale. Are you willing to take another walk on the wild side
with your old friend Rob. I just kinda feel that we need to get this thing
licked. Is this Newton List driving you crazy or what. Let me know if you
are interested.

Fellow Newtopian,

> From: dsteele <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 21:13:33 -0700
> To: NewtonTalk List <>
> Subject: NTLK Cadenza Errors
> I'm sending this msg again because I never saw it come through the list
> when I sent it out recently. I'm still most interested in any advice or
> other assistance anyone can offer.
> Dale
> ------->
> I have installed the now free version of Cadenza on my mp2100 and NT
> running service pack 4.0. I am able to connect and do a few things such
> as sync names, backup etc. I can't get Cadenza to perform any type of
> replication such as to dos, dates, etc. Whenever I try, I get an error
> (7007?) indicating a NOTES API error and a command inappropriate for a
> directory has occurred. I have uninstalled and reinstalled on both the
> newton and NT several times now with the same results. Everything seems
> to be in the right place as far as I can tell but obviously something is
> off. This isn't the exact error message but I can provide it if that
> might help diagnose my problem.
> Has anyone else had this problem and/or got a suggestion for me? I know
> it is not the version because we were able to install and operate it on a
> similar NT and mp2000 today.
> Help!
> Dale
> "Defy Gravity!"
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