On Tue, 1 Aug 2000, Olaf Bohlen wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Aug 2000, Robert Benschop wrote:
> > didn't work so I've been telling a lot of people since that only eMates and
> > 2x00's can do ethernet and now I hear the contrary.
> Well, the problem is not the Newton. The problem is the NIE. The
> NIE 1.1 is not able to handle ethernet devices. Only NIE 2.0
> does. And NIE 2.0 requires NOS 2.1 and there is the problem. I
> am pretty shure that ethernet-card would work in NOS 2.0
> devices.
Erm, not quite. "NIE" is made up of a bunch of different packages. The
Internet Enabler provides an API for applications to use for TCP/IP.
Internet Enabler makes use of modules to provide a transport layer for
TCP/IP. A transport can be a PPP connection over a modem or serial line, or
an Ethernet card, or something else that can provide IP connectivity. It
seems like the API for the network transport didn't change between NIE 1.1
and NIE 2.0, which is why you can use NIE 1.1 with the NIE Ethernet package
from NIE 2.0 on a 2.1 machine. Confused? :)
Victor Rehorst - victor@eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca | chuma@chuma.org
Secretary, CASU & CPES College Governments, University of Guelph, Canada
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