Hi! I don't know if this topic has ever come up before, but it seems
interesting. I think, and I'm sure anyone else on this list thinks,
that the Newton MP 2x00 is still the best PDA around; even after
three years without development. The OS is better, two PCMCIA slots,
larger screen, etc, etc, etc...
NOW, being as all that is true, it seems as if it would be in some
companies best interest (since Apple doesn't seem to think it's in
their own) to purchase the rights to the Newton and continue
developing it (heck, I'd settle for a re-release with a different
logo [alas!] with all the same features and a lower price...). Maybe
this company could build in ethernet or at least develop another card
that works well and is available.
This all seems to make entirely too much sense. Why hasn't someone
done this yet? Is Apple unwilling to sell the rights? That doesn't
seem to make much sense. It'd save them time and money from
supporting a three-year-old product that they don't make anymore and
have no plans to re-introduce into the market.
Any additional thoughts/input on this?
Joel Watson
"You think it's a conspiracy by the networks to put bad shows on TV.
But the shows are bad because that's what people want. It's not like
Windows users don't have any power; I think they are happy with
Windows, and that's an incredibly depressing thought." --Steve Jobs
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