Re: NTLK Purchasing Rights to the Newton...?

Date: Sat Aug 05 2000 - 03:22:55 CDT

On Sat, 5 Aug 2000, Peter Apockotos wrote:

> Sorry I have not signed any NDA on the issue (or for any project that MAY or
> MAY NOT be in the works) at hand. Calling me a slug is like calling the
> kettle black, Oz...I have my issues with a recent purchase from NewtonOZ but
> I did not think that it was appropriate to go to that level about the
> issue's that I have, but if you want to go that route, we can!

Your grammer was rather confusing. It seemed to me you were suggesting
that you somehow shouldn't have told us what you told us. That very
strongly implied that you were under some obligation. You also stated
some things as fact that are clearly rumors. If you believed them to be
facts, that would imply you knew something that none of us did. Work on
your grammar before getting upset when it gets mis-parsed.

> ***Note*** I may come across as a smartass on this but it seems ironic that
> certain people that have no problem with Piracy, have a problem with some
> possible good news about our beloved platform that did not originate from
> anyone breaking their NDA from Apple, but more from close observation about
> certain things that are happening.

I like good news. I don't like old, unfounded and illogical rumors being
portrayed as fact.

I didn't notice anybody saying that all piracy was fine and good. I saw
people arguing that copying NCU was fine. Your extrapolation is


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