Re: NTLK 57600 connection sped to desktop

From: Wolf Lichtenberger (
Date: Sun Aug 06 2000 - 10:37:16 CDT


on Sat, 05 Aug 2000, Chris Browder wrote:
> NO no no....
> I received a hacked version of NCU forcing a 5766 connection (got it via
> email I emailed the person and asked for it)... but that was on a drive I
> lost months ago. Now that I've got the 576 Pkg, Id like to try it out....

The Newt hack was just a package setting the Newts serial preference to x kBps
(57.6, 115.2, 230.4) instead of the standard (19.2? 38.4?).

Then there's a Windoze registry entry to set the serial port speed matching. I
for one wouldn't know if reprogramming the port speed is enough for NCU on the
Mac. But since on Macs with a real serial port (remember the G3 stealth port
or some such?) NCU and the Newt can talk over the serial cable with AppleTalk
at 230 kBps, methinks the point's moot.
On Macs with only USB, your chance may be an USB-to-Serial or an
AppleTalk-to-EtherNet (Farallon!) adapter supporting AppleTalk (IIRC there are
IMHO get a cheap (working!) 68K-Mac for just this purpose. It having Ethernet
wouldn't hurt, though. I hear some are below $50 complete...

-- Wolf
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