On Sun, Aug 6, 2000 Jeff Knee, at home wrote:
>Together with the
>Newton-like features in MacOS X -- and the fact that X may be too big
>for a PDA, an appliance or set-top box -- I read this interview to mean
>Apple will be bringing back Newton features, if not a new Newton itself.
> If Apple wants to be the Sony of computing, it only makes sense.
I personally feel that the incorporation of Newton features, particularly the HWR engine, is the best news we (the Newton community) have received since Paul's announcement that he is working on a CF solution for the Newton. Here is how I see it:
• Steve put Newton to sleep (I meen sleep) because it was a sensible bussines decision,
• Yet Apple knew that Newton technology is full of potential. By selling Newton. Apple would be handing one of its most advanced and potential laden technologies to the competition, this would be nothing short of crazy.
• Apple officially kills the Newton and signs a techonoloy exchange agreement with M$ (should we still use $), WinCE can not grab much from the dead Newton.
• Newton concepts emerges gradually in Apple products; translauent cases, color shells, iBook form, puff smoke, and finally the Rosetta, and expect to see more.
• Apple didn't kill and forget the Newton.
• Apple never wanted to pull from the PDA market (why try to buy Palm).
• Now a real question, how usefull HWR can be on a desk top computer, or on the track pad of a power book where the much faster key board is less than an inch away. WriteHere gives you HWR on the Mac or Windows right now; I have it but I rarely use it; e_mate crowd how often do you use HWR instead of the key board?
• Considering the above, Apple plans go much beyond the trivial and relatively useless persuite of HWR on desk tops. Apple is profitable again, it is now digging in to its shelved stuff and blowing off the dust.
• HWR has no practical use but on a hand held. Apple has the best HWR engine, but Competition is coming close. Apple revive the HWR engine to enhance it even more in preparation for something big.
• For me, the revival of Rosselta is the most solid evidence I had ever saw ginu 1998 that an Apple Hand Held is in the works.
• It will be called Newton, but it will be as close to todays Newton as OSX is to OS9. You will have to hold on to something when you see it.
Dr. Khaled Tewfik
Sent from an Apple Newton Message Pad 2100.
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