Andrew Chen wrote:
> Here are my thoughts on alternative technologies to replicate the
> Newton experience:
> NewtonScript: Python
> Newton Virtual Machine: Java Virtual Machine
> Newton API: Cocoa API
> eMate Hardware: iBook
> Ok, so it isn't exactly a PDA, and certain things are missing (like
> the level of integration and cooperation between Applications), but
> with JPython on Cocoa, I think we can come close to the Newton
> Experience - won't run Newton Apps, but at least all the pieces are
> there.
I think you (and many others) are missing an important point of what made
the Newton a Newton. It has been pointed out before, but allow me to
On this system you are proposing, when I insert a disk, will the contacts
stored on that disk automagically appear in the email client/contact
managing software?
Will any apps stored on that disk appear in the Apple menu (or Dock)?
No. Because the Newton used a unique storage system, based on "soups" and
databases, while all mainstream OS's are file-based.
-- Joost van de Griek Applications Developer Yacht ICT*************************************** NewtonTalk brought to you by:
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