On Mon, 7 Aug 2000 Drew Loker wrote:
>Hello. I am replacing an 8mb card I have used for sometime. i went to the
>"Storage" directory to move the items to the new card, but only a few would
>allow me to change the location of the ffile. I was able to salvage things
>like Names, Dates, and Notes, but a lot of others did not give me any
>chance, but definately used some portion of the removed card at thsi point.
>Surely there must be a better whay to trasnfer that what I did? I also had a
>challenge on about 4 programs that are claiming to be copyrighted. Is there
>any whay aroudn that?
The easiest way would be a backup of your 8MB and a restore onto your new Card via NCU. Just make sure the name of the Stores are the same. Copyrighted softwares will restore just fine.
Kenny Song
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