Very, very bad Ugly American Dog here;
Looks like Paul may have a rival for cult leader job after all. The
controversy is heating up and it looks like the rotten tomatoes,
cabbages and dead cats are starting to fly, and I bet Paul and Mr.
(Jonathan) Bright haven't the foresight to ditch out of the theater
before the performance actually begins. Will the crowd tar and feather
them? Are Paul G. of Hawaii and Mr. (Jonathan) Bright karmically related
to the Duke and Dauphin without knowing it? Certainly they are far more
intelligent than their historic counterparts, but are they as sly?
What will be the outcome? Will the Newton community weather this and
still be able to talk cheerily about MP2100 replacement doors? God help
us in our darkest hour...
> Dear Sirs;
> I say thank God for people like Good Dog and Donald Whore! In this
> pantiewaist, p.c. world, at least they have the nerve to speak out.
> It's about time that the whole ugly truth is told about those sneaky,
> shiftless Hawaiians and their co-conspirators. I'm talking about the
> coverup involving pineapple rinds on the grassy knoll and the sordid
> mess involving the Hawaiians, the Cubans and their Masters. That's
> right, I'm not afraid to name names, I'm not afraid of the black
> heliocopters. You all know I'm right. THE METHODISTS! Do you hear me,
> you potato salad eaters?
> Albert M. Gallnut
> end of the long lane
> Straining at Stool, Nebraska
To be continued...
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