Bill wrote:
> I've used Network Solutions
> in the past to register domain names. Didn't find it all that hard
> (TRANSFERRING a domain name to someone THAT'S hard.)
My main problem with Network Solutions isn't their price or service.
Rather, it is their odious agreement that you must sign to register with
them. In a nutshell, they reserve the right to confiscate your domain name
if they don't like what you're doing with it. GANDI, on the other hand, has
an agreement that basically says "You own your domain name. You're
responsible for it".
Check out this news clip from slashdot about Network Solutions
contract: "jvj24601 writes "A columnist at reports that Network
Solutions has recently changed its contracts -- it now 'owns' the domain
name and can take it back at will. This has been held up in court. I am
especially appalled that their agreement states 'NSI may terminate "domain
name registration services" if the registrant uses them for "any improper
purpose, as determined in our sole discretion."'"
Also, here is the URL for a resource rating the various domain
registrars. It is *very* useful. I wish I would have seen it before I used
Network Solutions.
Jim Anderson
"Roly-poly fish heads are never seen drinking cappuccino in Italian
restaurants with oriental women...yeah..."
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