At 10:19 AM 8/9/00 -0500, James Pelton wrote:
>i'm thinking about buying a new, large flash card. i'm familiar with which
>types work on the newton.
>can anyone recommend vendors who sell the larger flash cards new?
Define "large."
If you have a MP2x00 or an eMate, the 6 MB cards from Paul Braham work very
well and, at $35 USD/card, they're also inexpensive (I bought 5, I think
Woo Lee purchased 35). You can get Paul's mailto: link from
<>; if you opt for this, don't forget
to mention that you saw the offer on Bill's site.
I purchased all of my larger cards (16 and 24 MB) from Tima
You've probably read up on Paul Guyot's efforts to get an ATA driver going.
If/when released, that will solve a lot of storage problems for many of us.
If you want to see the screen shots on this particular project, try:
I don't have the last message describing his current programming status
handy, but I'm sure you can find it in Victor Rehorst's Newtontalk archive
-- Ivan T. Shaw, PhD
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