On Thu, 10 Aug 2000 Filmer, Paul E wrote:
>I like this discussion of SuperNotes, because I have wanted some of these
>features, but I remember there were some issues w/ SuperNotes and the size
>limit and problems with backups of Notes exceeding that limit. I have
>searched the archive, but I think this discussion was in NewtonTalk's
>previous incarnation (before PlanetNewton). Any experience w/ these issues
>out there?
Nope, no issues with the latest version. I have lots of software installed including other Note enhancements and stationeries and I had no trouble from SuperNotePad. Just follow instructions when you decide to remove SNP because it alters the Note soup. Proper removal will restore the Note soup state.
I had issues with earlier versions. Looked like SAS resolved those issues.
Kenny Song
<Sent with Newton MP2100/SimpleMail/4.1>
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