RE: NTLK geeksafe and userinfo

From: Filmer, Paul E (
Date: Thu Aug 10 2000 - 13:18:27 CDT

Well, I'm not using GeekSafe, but I have had much the same thing happen
repeatedly - some of the info on the active owner card gets erased after a
reset (address, telephones, e-mail). I have not been able to pin down the
exact circumstances, but I can go through the setup routine and within one
or two days I am back to the same situation - I have tried SoupKitchen to
look at the owner/locale cards (and have found several 'ghost' cards that
don't show up within the application itself (??). Very strange - I am
convinced it is a conflict, because this condition survives hard reset and
restore cycles w/o restoring the system soup (i.e. reloading only data soups
and packages, and _not_ system settings/preferences).

Paul F.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Lim []
> I just installed geeksafe, and I noticed the "user card" that I'd created
> for myself no longer existed... well it exists in QuickNames, but when I
> try SimpleMail or the User Info program it says my profile doesn't exist.
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