> Justin -- Would it be possible just to get an aluminum replacement screen
> cover made? My guess is that would be a lot easier and cheaper (perhaps
> $100-$150?). It also doesn't involve exposing the guts of your Newton, and
> so would be a lot more accessible for most people. I think the metal of the
> aluminum combined with the black of the rest of the case would look pretty
> darn cool. In any case, if the shell project succeeds, you'll be making a
> screen cover anyway, so it might make sense to offer just that for sale as
> well. Also, if it doesn't seem possible to do the whole shell, you might
> see about just getting the screen cover done.
I've thought about that, and it might be a possible if the shells get
made... i'll let you know - it would look pretty cool
-- justin
-- NASP Newton Aluminum Shell Project http://newton.i85.net*************************************** NewtonTalk brought to you by:
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