Re: NTLK WHO knows of a script...

From: Kenny Song (
Date: Fri Aug 11 2000 - 17:10:08 CDT

On Fri, 11 Aug 2000 CM Stimpson wrote:

>Anyone know of a script/utility which will set the Newton Works word
>processor default to SHOW RULER, instead of HIDE RULER when a new document
>is created? It gets rather annoying having to go through the Format menu
>and select "Show Ruler" every time you create a new document
I'm pretty sure it's out there. I can't quite remember. It could be called WorksRuler of Ruler, I'm not sure and could be by SBM. A lot of ifs but it's now almost 2.00 am and I'm too sleepy to go search. I'll try it tomorrow.

Kenny Song
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