on 8/11/00 8:18 AM, Robert Benschop at robertbenschop@bigfoot.com wrote:
> Since that happened already with the Palm/Alcatel phone which I hardly see
> around I keep wondering if this will be the future ?
I know what you mean by "hardly see". I saw a write-up on it in a local
paper, but have searched all over Krakow several times, and havent' found a
real model yet. I think, however, it would be inconvenient if you needed to
find a phone number while talking. Does it work with a hands-free device?
Has anyone seen or used this thing? Impressions?
-- -Jon Glass Krakow, Poland <mailto:jonglass@usa.net> <mailto:glasshaus5@aol.com>*************************************** NewtonTalk brought to you by:
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