Re: NTLK Exporting from MoreInfo

From: jimthej (
Date: Sat Aug 12 2000 - 20:37:45 CDT

on 8/12/00 6:12 PM, Peter Edwardsson at

> I really wants all the names, phone numbers, addresses, e-maail
> addresses etc be exported or backuped. I am using MoreInfo, PowerNames
> and AffiliatePlus, all from Silverware, and I am very satisfied with the
> package, but wants to know if everything is backup/exported or not.

NCU does a good backup job. If you want to use the data elsewhere, I
recommend exporting the data either with NCU or X-Port. Take it to a
tab-delimited text file and pick it up with almost anything. I frequently,
like in a few minutes, will pick up a membership database from Excel to my
Newt. I haven't found a way to synch it yet so I dump, compare in Excel, and

Jim Johnston
Mac Smacker
Newton User

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