Re: NTLK eWorld ?

From: Jon Glass (
Date: Sun Aug 13 2000 - 13:17:05 CDT

on 8/12/00 10:48 PM, Wolf Lichtenberger at wrote:

> Saw one hereabouts around '96 and although it was several years old by th en
> (i.e. not new), the store wanted $350 (!!). Since i wanted just the Newt
> (and didn't like the salespeoples attitude as well ;-), i declined. I
> it's a 110 with some Siemens code, like Logo in ROM and german locale.

So, are you still interested in the Newt? I think I can still purchase it.
I'm not interested in the Newt, but would love to have the phone. If you
aren't, Wolf, is anybody else interested? I'm game.

-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland

"You think it's a conspiracy by the networks to put bad shows on TV. But the shows are bad because that's what people want. It's not like Windows users don't have any power; I think they are happy with Windows, and that's an incredibly depressing thought." --Steve Jobs

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