on 8/12/00 9:36 PM, Robert Benschop at robertbenschop@bigfoot.com wrote:
> Does anybody know any details if this phone (was it a DECT phone, ISDN, type
> name and/or number) Never saw a phone that caught my attention as much.
> Searches on the Siemens site didn't turn up anything so far (not giving up
> yet)
The phone I saw was in use at a local consignment shop. The owner was using
it for his main phone. I can assure you this wasn't ISDN, digital or
anything but a normal, boring, analog phone line. I don't know, however, if
they made different models for different kinds of phone lines.
-- -Jon Glass Krakow, Poland <mailto:jonglass@usa.net> <mailto:glasshaus5@aol.com>*************************************** NewtonTalk brought to you by:
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