I've been lurking on this list a while, and learning a whole lot. I have a
MessagePad 2100, and everything's worked fine until I had to reformat my
hard drive. Afterwards, I reinstalled NCU, and, having set up my Newton to
be fairly self-sufficient, haven't really used it until today. When I try
connecting, the PC registers "Connected to a Newton device", but the Newton
keeps waiting for a response, and times out.
Tried it with Newton Package Installer, PC registers that it is connected to
a 2.0 newton, but the Newton, again, times out.
Checked my IRQ settings, actually changed them once to COM3, to see if that
mattered. No dice. Checked baud rates, Windows is set at 38400/N/8/1,
Newton is standard serial...no dice. Even tried setting both at 9600, no
BIOS was tested at both Plug and Play on and off.
I've checked both the FAQ and did a search through the NewtonTalk archive
for similar matters, and I haven't found any yet. Does anyone out there
have an idea of what could be wrong?
Thanks in advance,
Tony Ho.
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