Ivan Perez wrote:
> Hi there!
> I recently have buyed a Newton MP130. It came complete with a connection
> cord (serial) for the mac, but I don't know how to connect. Someone said
> something about NCU Newton Connection Utility: does anybody know where I can
> get this software? Does anybody know a URL with more toics on Newton?
> And, what I would like to know: is there a possibility to connect the Newton
> with the mac and to share Information with Claris organizer (like the Palm
> does)?
Check the FAQ at <http://www.info-newt.com/faq/>, specifically
Some people have been able to sync with Claris Organizer. I would expect
one of them to reply. You can find a compatible version of Claris
Organizer at:
Laurent Daudelin Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS
Fannie Mae Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 703-833-4266 mailto:Laurent_Daudelin@fanniemae.com
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