Re: NTLK The Mistry of Apple Products

From: Chris Browder (
Date: Tue Aug 15 2000 - 22:33:11 CDT

on 8/15/00 7:25 PM, John Mark Davis at wrote:

> Gopi . . .
>> I also have one, and it's very nice next to my NeXT cubes and NeXT slab,
>> along with a PowerCD, mp2000, MacPlus, B/W G3, and Duo 2300c. Oh, I also
>> have a PowerBook 190 prototype, and a 6100 with a 21" mono monitor

Wow someone else with a PowerCD! ;) Anyone got any of the PT Newton
Prototypes like the PTV2 that was sold on eBay for like $800?

- Chris B.

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