On 8/15/00 10:23 AM, Ben Dalton [mailto:bendalton@mac.com] wrote:
>Is there anyway to let your Newton communicate with a powerbook via
>infrared? When I had a palm(got rid of that pos), I sync'ed it with my
>powerbook through the ir port on the back. Just curious is all...
NCU won't work via IR (despite being able to select it as an option on
newer MacOS versions) BUT you can do some stuff with Sloup and EE
Transfer. I wrote about it sometime back on Info-Newt. Seach for "irda".
>Anyone know if there is anything I can do with this IR port on the back of
>my powerbook? (damn thing seems pretty useless to me...)
Aside from the above, you can use it to talk between two powerbooks via
IrTALK (the IR equivalent of LocalTalk/AppleTalk), you can probably print
to IR or IrDA printers too, like the Newton can to some models.
But expect AirPort/WaveLAN/802.11 wireless networking to take over from
IR. I wouldn't be surprised to see IR disappear from PowerBooks
eventually (I think it's already gone from iBooks, but not sure.)
AirPort/WaveLAN is a great technology! I just hope gopi can get the
driver for the Newton going (hey, Paul Guyot...when you finish up the ATA
stuff, maybe you can give gopi and/or Hiroshi a hand? ;-)
- Bill
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