Re: NTLK an open question

From: Andrew Maier (
Date: Wed Aug 16 2000 - 04:41:08 CDT

I agree that Compuserve is a decent worldwide ISP (beware of CompuServe 2000 though), but the login script is not always the same. It is often very similar - in particular the last few steps - but there are differences

My login script for France (where I live) is slightly different from my login script for Switzerland (where I work). And the one for Germany (where I am employed) is again different.

Morale: Not only check the phone number you need in your next destination but also the login script.


On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 Michael J. Hussmann wrote:

>> Do you mean that you can use the same login procedure and password here
>> in EU and overseas? What's left is thus only to get the right dial-in or
>> 800-number and you're done?
>Exactly. After I got my PC card modem, I tested the dial-in and logon
>settings here in Hamburg, Germany, and the exact same setup with just the
>dial-in number changed worked flawlessly in San Francisco, a few days later.

Andrew Maier

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